Reduce Youth Unecmployment

Invest in the FUTURE of a youth Today

What needs to change

According to the Google Developer survey in 2020, Uganda, in the 9th position in Africa, was said to have only 11K developers. More than half of this statistic was considered to have junior competence.

UNESCO’s report from 2021, which stated that 76% of recruiters find it challenging to hire the desired talent in Africa, further supported this.

The scarcity of tech talent in Africa is largely a result of the fact that traditional education produces more theoretical candidates than practically qualified candidates.

What impact can you expect to create?

Most employers who hire from Africa find it difficult to hire the right candidate, which reduces the chances of youth employment.

To increase the chances of finding decent and sustainable employment, your intervention is key.

Each 20% of each dollar goes to a collective fund that enables candidates to get suitable gadgets to practice for professional work and 80% goes to a candidate’s monthly stipend and management throughout the Apprenticeship period.






Get in touch with our talent management team and we discuss how you would like to sponsor.